Since the time I created this new blog template and the time I started writing this post, the blog has already gotten 14 views, so I guess I need to get some content up here. To those of you who stumbled upon this page, welcome!
Just a little bit about me: I am a 34 year old housewife who has been cooking for nearly 20 years now. Both of my parents are fantastic cooks, so I had good role models, and showed interest in cooking at a young age. The majority of the time, my recipes are pretty practical. Sometimes, I cook completely from scratch, sometimes I incorporate time saving products like sauces, sometimes I cook wacky novelty things just for fun. And more and more lately, I attempt cooking vegetarian food. I do not know if I will ever be a tried and true vegetarian, more like a flexitarian, or occasional veggie. Hence, the name of the blog!
I am always open to cooking challenges and new recipe suggestions, so if there is something you want to see, just let me know.
Also, on a side note, I write several other blogs, and have created a Facebook Page for all of them, as well as my husband's blogs. Be sure you stop by to like the page and add it to your interest lists to insure you are seeing all my posts! You can also find me on Twitter!
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Feel free to leave comments regarding recipes, as well as suggestions of changes or new dishes to try. If you have a question, be sure to leave me an email address where you can be reached.